Watch The Closer Episode 10 - Fresh Pursuit Online | The Closer S07 Ep 10 - Fresh Pursuit Synopsis | The Closer - Fresh Pursuit Preview | The Closer Season 7 Episode 10 Will Be Aired 12 Sep 2011 Monday 9:00 Pm on TNT.
Summary Of The Closer 7x10 - Fresh Pursuit : Deputy Police Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson transferred from Atlanta to Los Angeles to run the Priority Homicide Division of the LAPD and with the help of her team they solve sensitive high profile murder cases The team investigates the mysterious death of a sheriff's Deputy; a major decision is made in the civil suit against Brenda and the L.A. P.D.
"They'll bring you in. She'll make you talk."Deputy Police Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson (Kyra Sedgwick) is a police detective who transfers from Atlanta to Los Angeles to head up a special unit of the LAPD that handles sensitive, high-profile murder cases. Despite a tendency to step on people's toes, Johnson manages to convert even her strongest adversaries with her unique ability to get to the truth."Watch To Live full Ep vidio!"