Watch Border Wars Episode 3 - Marijuana Airdrop Online | Border Wars S03 Ep 3 - Marijuana Airdrop Synopsis | Border Wars - Marijuana Airdrop Preview | Border Wars Season 3 Episode 3 Will Be Aired 11 Sep 2011 Sunaday 10:00 Pm on National Geographic Channel.
Summary Of Border Wars 3x3 - Marijuana Airdrop : The officers and agents of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) search the landscape at one of the busiest border crossings in the country, seeking to intercept illegal entrants from the air, on the ground, and at the port of entry. Every day thousands of men, women and children attempt to enter the United States illegally. Follow the officers and agents who struggle every day to defend this border.An underground tunnel used by drug smugglers is uncovered in Nogales, Ariz. Also: agents search trains for stashed drugs CBP agents dismantle an observation point used by smugglers to monitor agents' movements in the remote desert, and seize a vehicle attempting to carry weapons and nearly $800,000 back to the Mexican cartels."Click To Watch Live Border Wars ?"