Watch Auction Kings Season 2 - Dino Poo; Ancient Head Pipe | Auction Kings S02 Ep 12 - Dino Poo; Ancient Head Pipe Synopsis | Auction Kings - Dino Poo; Ancient Head Pipe Preview | Auction Kings Season 2 Episode 12 Will Be Aired 13 Sep 2011 Tuesday 9:00 Pm on Discovery Chanel.
Summary Of Auction Kings 2x12 - Dino Poo; Ancient Head Pipe: Get a behind the scene look into how an auction house operates in this series "Auction Kings".The Gallery 63 crew receives a package of dino poo. Owner Paul hopes the signature on an original-issue version of Gone With The Wind proves legitimate this time. And his visit to mystical Lithia Springs yields an ancient skull-shaped jadeite pipe."Click To Watch Live Auction Kings full Ep vidio?"
Preview Episode:
Paul heads to the U.S. Space & Rocket Center to collect historic items for a special charity auction sale, including a space suit, an astronaut's work of art, and an Apollo 13 pinball machine, signed by both the astronaut and the actor who played him.The Gallery 63 crew take in Civil War-era iron knuckles found on a local battlefield. Owner Paul squeezes into a particularly mini British Mini Cooper. And a family's moonshine still inspires picker Jon to try his hand at home brewing for the Galler.