Watch Haven Season 2 Episode 4 (2x4)Sparks and Recreation Online | Haven s02 e04 Sparks and Recreation Synopsis | Haven Ep.204 Sparks and Recreation Review | Haven - Sparks and Recreation Will Be Aired 5 Aug 2011 Friday 10:00 pm on SyFy.
Summary Of Haven Season 2 Episode 4 Sparks and Recreation : Haven, a town deep in the heart of Maine, is a place where people with supernatural abilities have migrated for generations because it mutes their powers, allowing them to lead normal lives. At least, until recently. When hot-shot FBI agent Audrey Parker is called to Haven to solve the murder of a local ex-con, she catches the killer but uncovers a much deeper mystery about this town. Each week, as the town-peoples' dormant powers begin to express themselves, Audrey will try to keep these supernatural forces at bay while unraveling the many mysteries of Haven - including one surrounding her own surprising past in this extraordinary place.
Review Of Haven Season 2 Episode 3 Love Machine : "Love Machine" has one of the better troubles, machines repaired by a guy going berserk to keep him in Haven, as there are some gruesome scenes and actual danger for Audrey and Nathan. But the ongoing stuff with the second Audrey and the mystery takes an abrupt turn when the second Audrey goes to the coordinates in the book and returns with no memories. Then her boyfriend takes her away. Huh? What's up with that? And the building on the island is now gone. Yes, it's the troubles again, but seriously, WTF?