Sea Patrol Season 5 Episode 12 S05e12 Saving Ryan

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Watch Sea Patrol Season 5 Episode 12 S05e12 Saving Ryan Online

Live Summary Of Sea Patrol Season 5 Episode 12 S05e12 Saving Ryan 
Saving Ryan’ starts off with a hint of the action to come. Hammersley boards what looks like an FFV that has been attacked with automatic weapon fire. There are a few survivors – but they are resistant to help, saying it was the Royal Australian Navy who attacked them.Back at Navcom, Commander White briefs Mike and Kate. She says the man who attacked the FFV is an ex-SAS solider, Garth Davidson (Jack Campbell), who now runs a local security company. Hammersley is tasked with intercepting Davidson’s boat when it returns to Australian waters.

Maxine snatches a quiet word with Mike. The hospital has updated Maxine with grim news about Stuart. Ryan, who is still AWOL, needs to be found.Hammersley intercepts Davidson’s boat, confiscating weapons along the way. Whilst searching below decks, Bird finds Ryan hiding. He explains he has joined Davidson’s company, GD Security. He begs her to keep quiet about his presence.Meanwhile, Kate is struggling to keep her food down. She’s sure she’s just eaten something dodgy but Swain points out that her symptoms are consistent with another possibility – one that Kate’s already considered. This subject leads to a couple of delightfully awkward exchanges between Kate and RO.

When Bird hears of Stuart’s worsening condition, she comes forward about Ryan’s whereabouts and Mike attempts to track him down.Later, Hammersley is again tasked with escorting the GD Security boat. The job proves far from routine, resulting in a tense and action-packed climax.Fans who tire of seeing Mike on the bridge all day will be glad to know that with Kate sick, Mike takes her place in leading shore and boarding parties. The action that naturally follows includes a fantastic solo fight scene that trumps Mike’s previous effort in ‘Night of the Long Knives’.Some heartfelt scenes between Mike and Ryan this episode might broaden the appeal of the father-son storyline, for those who are not sold on it yet.

The combination of action and emotional demands this episode gives Ian the chance to demonstrate his range, as well as show us the third dimension to Mike Flynn that we don’t always see.Lisa and Tammy assist in raising the emotional stakes for Ian, making the story that much more real.Dominic Deutscher has had a lot placed on him in the last few episodes, and he continues to show growth here, especially opposite his more seasoned co-stars. At the same time, his scenes with Danielle Horvat (Bird) retain the youthful energy that has become typical of the pair’s interactions.Campbell, recognisable from ‘All Saints’, plays the suitably tough and gruff ex-SAS solider.‘Saving Ryan’ really picks up from the slower pace set in Episode 11, and it foreshadows an explosive finale next week!

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