Life Show Summary:
When a colleague vanishes amid reports of strange occurrences in Carentan, near Normandy, France, Team Sanctuary rushes off to investigate - only to run into what appears to be a high-level military blockade., the first broadcast quality Sci-Fi series to migrate from the Internet to network (cable) television, and the first TV series to be recorded by a digital RED camera using green screen technology on almost every shot, stars Stargate SG-1 veteran Amanda Tapping as Dr. Helen Magnus. Dr. Magnus heads a global network of Sanctuaries for supernatural creatures, or as she likes to call them, Abnormals - which she retrieves from all over the world. Having injected a serum she created from pure, ancient vampire blood, Magnus and a small group of colleagues have come to possess special, paranormal abilities, or "powers" - hers being extreme longevity. Helen Magnus is a very beautiful and very well-preserved 158-years-old.
In her work, she is backed by a team of talented specialists : her daughter Ashley (Emilie Ullerup), trained in weapons and combat; Henry Foss (Ryan Robbins), a techno wizard, geek and part-time werewolf; the Big Guy (Christopher Heyerdahl), a gentle giant who also happens to be an intelligent, well-refined member of the Sasquatch branch of the hominid family. Heyerdahl also plays John Druitt - sometime friend and sometime foe, a teleporter who just happens to be Ashley's father - and Jack the Ripper