Leverage is returning with its fourth season on June 26 at 9PM on TNT, and it's already sounding like it will be a must-see summer show. If all the information already released hasn't gotten you excited, the latest video from John Rogers and Dean Devlin should.
The video clip (watch it here) first gives fans a bit of a catch-up on what happened just as last season ended. It looked like Nate and Sophie finally took that last step and slept together their last night in San Lorenzo after taking down Damian Moreau. After that, the two executive producers gave some teasers about what to expect:
Continue reading on Examiner.com ’Leverage’ ’The Long Way Down Job’ sneak peek and season 4 romance teasers - National Leverage | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/leverage-in-national/leverage-the-long-way-down-job-sneak-peek-and-season-4-romance-teasers#ixzz1Q3UkcAQl
The team goes after missing evidence to a case, evidence located on a mountain and protected by mercenaries and blizzard conditions."Get ready to get even."
Meet Nathan Ford, a former insurance investigator who spent his professional career dedicated to the company that he recovered millions in stolen goods for. This same insurance company would refuse a medical claim for his son that would take the life of the innocent child.Unemployed and teetering on the edge, Nate is approached about a Robin Hood-like scheme. He enlists the help of the best thieves and grifters in the business, and with their help, he steals from the rich and gives to the poor to help balance the crooks in high power positions. He and his team help provide...leverage.