this review will be shorter than my usual weekly reviews. Not just because I've had my hands full with 'Game of Thrones' coverage and various other work duties as well as sick pets and a sick kid (and I do appreciate your patience, given that it took me until Monday to post this piece. And not to worry, all pets and children are well now).
Episode Summary
the real reason this post will be a bit shorter than normal is because I truly don't have all that much to say about 'My Heart Will Go On.' It was not an outright terrible episode, but it wasn't terribly impressive, either. It was good to have Sam, Dean, Bobby, Castiel and even Ellen back on my TV screen, but the episode intentionally left us with a big unanswered question. Sometimes that's a good thing, but here, it felt mildly frustrating.
It seems obvious that Balthazar was indeed carrying out Castiel's orders when he sank the Titanic. But why? How would those 50,000 souls help Cas win the war? We don't know much about three things at this stage: Why souls are so valuable, how they can help Cas' army and, more generally, what's going on in Heaven's Civil War.