Watch The Closer Season 7 Episode 8 (7x8) Death Warrant | The Closer s07 e08 Death Warrant Synopsis | The Closer Ep708 Death Warrant Preview | The Closer Season 7 Episode 8 Will Be Aired 29 Aug 2011 Monday 9:00 PM on TNT.
Summary Of The Closer Season 7 Episode 8 Death Warrant : Deputy Police Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson (Kyra Sedgwick) is a police detective who transfers from Atlanta to Los Angeles to head up a special unit of the LAPD that handles sensitive, high-profile murder cases. Despite a tendency to step on people's toes, Johnson manages to convert even her strongest adversaries with her unique ability to get to the truth. Things are about to get complicated for Brenda and she will have to do something unusual she will need to ask for help in a drug cartel case that doesn't fall under major crimes jurisdiction. Meanwhile Brenda's lawyer begins taking depositions from each team member and as he does so discover something unexpected.
Review Episode: Rated: TV-14-LV Brenda's team looks into whether an officer had anything to do with her daughter's death, as the audit into the lawsuit against Brenda continues Captain Raydor looks into whether detective Sanchez can provide anything else about the death of Turell Baylor.