Watch Burn Notice Season 5 Episode 10 (5x10) Army of One | Burn Notice s05 e10 Army of One Synopsis | Burn Notice Episode 10 Army of One Preview | Burn Notice Season 5 Episode 10 Army of One Will Be Aired 25 Aug 2011 Thursday 9:00 PM on USA.
Synopsis Of Burn Notice Season 5 Episode 10 - Army of One : "Burn Notice" follows a special ops agent, Michael Westen, as he puts his training to use as a private detective as he tries to figure out who betrayed him. When Jesse needs Michael's help with a security job, Michael joins a group of hijackers who wind up taking hostages at an airport.Michael goes undercover with a group of hijackers in order to assist Jesse with a security job, but he changes the plan when the hijackers take hostages at the airport. Madeline assists Michael by organizing the hostages and trying to lead them to safety. "Click To Wach Live Burn Notice full vidio!'
Preview Episode: Fiona and Jesse work together for a pharmaceuticals magnate, but soon realize that he is hiding something. Meanwhile, Michael and Sam take on a bomb-maker involved in Max's death.