CSI Season 11, Episode 21

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Cello And Goodbye 

Show Summary: 

Langston becomes more determined than ever to track down Nake Haskell, the notorious "Dick & Jane" killer, after discovering that he's kidnapped his ex-wife, Gloria. CSI is an innovative, new type of crime drama because the characters use cutting-edge forensic tools to examine the evidence to solve the case. Rather than a 'whodunnit' cop show (investigating witnesses/suspects), CSI explores the 'howdunnit'. CSI has been the number one scripted series in the Neilsen ratings for four years running. In 2007 nearly 84 million people watched CSI, making it the most watched show in the world. CSI is now in its 10th amazing season

Whatch "CSI Season 11, Episode 21 "Seria:" Cello And Goodbye"

Airs: 05/05/11